Superbarocco. Arte a Genova da Rubens a Magnasco

Date: from 2022-03-26 to 2022-07-03

Held in


Address: Via 24 Maggio, 16
Zone: Rione Monti (Colosseo-S.Giovanni-S.Maria Maggiore) (Roma centro)


€ 15.00 full price
€ 13,00 reduced - young people up to 25 years of age (under 26), active teachers, people with disabilities up to 99%.
€   2,00 courtesy - children and young people from 6 to 17 (under 18), licensed tour guides, and others
Free of charge for children up to the age of 6, people with 100% disability

Special promotions and guided tours also available. All details on page > tickets

Modalità di partecipazione: Booking recommended


Telephone: 02 92897722 prenotazioni visite e laboratori
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ScuderieQuirinale#!/ScuderieQuirinale
Last checked: 2022-03-15 9:38
©2007 - Roma Classic version