Biblioteca Accademia di Romania

Typology: Specialized


Address: Piazza Josè De San Martin, 1
Zone: Quartiere Pinciano (Roma centro)


Telephone: 06 3208024 - 06 3236772

Opening times

Temporarily closed


Audiovisual Stations: 1
Internet Stations: 1
Multimedia spaces: 3
Reading Seats: 16


Access: Open to all.
Patrimony: 35.000 volumes, 11 periodicals (in original language), 86 videos.
Subject: History, Archaeology, Art history, Classic and Modern Philology, Foreign Languages, Romanian literature and culture, Political science, Geograpy.
Notes: Loan is restricted to Romanian language, literature and culture specialists.

For more information

Culture and leisure › Cultural institutions › Academies and institutes
Last checked: 2023-02-20 15:23
©2007 - Roma Classic version